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1.3 - Discussion The Major Trends and Forces Changing the Marketing Landscape in Aviation

1.3 - Discussion The Major Trends and Forces Changing the Marketing Landscape in Aviation

Q Before reading the prompt for this discussion, consider the following quote: Dramatic changes are occurring in the marketing arena. Advances in digital and social media have taken the marketing world by storm. The key is to blend the new digital approaches with traditional marketing to create a smoothly integrated marketing strategy and mix. Sensible consumption has made a comeback, and it appears to be here to stay. The challenge is to balance the brand's value proposition with current times while also enhancing its long-term equity. In recent years, marketing has become a major part of the strategies for many not-for-profit organizations. Also, in an increasingly smaller world, many marketers are now connected globally with their customers and marketing partners. Marketers are being called on to take greater responsibility for the social and environmental impacts of their actions. Today, marketers of all kind are taking advantage of new opportunities for building value-added relationships with their customers, their marketing partners, and the world around them. (Kolter & Armstron, 2016, p. 32) Discuss In your discussion post, describe the major trends and forces that are changing the marketing landscape in the aviation industry in this age of relationships. You may choose to concentrate on two or three trends and forces first, leaving room for your classmates to present some major trends and forces of their own. Besides the course text, you might want to gather information from current business periodicals and news. Be specific, but limit your initial posting to 400 words - bearing in mind that this is a discussion activity, not a research paper. Read and follow the Important Information About Discussions. Please read these instructions for information on accessing the discussion rubric.Links to an external site.

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The way in which globalization has become enhanced can be observed to be a blessing for the aviation industry. This is because the cost of fuels has become standardized and there are not great fluctuations in different countries. The legal permissions which used to be required for aircrafts to ensure landing on legal areas of different aviation companies have also become lower than before. This has led to less expenses being made on acquiring such legal permissions from different aviation companies.